Java Reference
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174 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null , sqlException.getMessage(),
175 "Database error" , JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
177 System.exit( 1 ); // terminate application
178 }
179 }
180 } // end class DisplayQueryResults
a) Displaying all authors from
the Authors table
b) Displaying the the authors'
first and last names joined with
the titles and edition numbers
of the topics they've authored
c) Filtering the results of the
previous query to show only the
books with Java in the title
Fig. 24.28 | Display the contents of the Authors table in the books database. (Part 5 of 5.)
Lines 27-29 and 32 declare the URL, username, password and default query that are
passed to the ResultSetTableModel constructor to make the initial connection to the
database and perform the default query. The main method (lines 36-179) creates a
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