Java Reference
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7. At the ij> prompt type
connect 'jdbc:derby:books;create=true;user=deitel;
and press Enter to create the books database in the current directory and to create
the user deitel with the password deitel for accessing the database.
8. To create the database table and insert sample data in it, we've provided the file
address.sql in this example's directory. To execute this SQL script, type
run 'books.sql';
Once you create the database, you can execute the SQL statements presented in
Section 24.4 to confirm their execution. Each command you enter at the ij>
prompt must be terminated with a semicolon ( ; ).
9. To terminate the Java DB command-line tool, type
10. Change directories to the addressbook_example subfolder of the ch24 examples
folder, which contains the SQL script addressbook.sql that builds the address-
book database. Repeat Steps 6-9. In each step, replace books with addressbook .
You're now ready to execute this chapter's examples.
24.5.2 Creating the Chapter's Databases on Mac OS X
After setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable, perform the following steps:
1. Open a Terminal, then type:
and press Enter . Then type
and press Enter . This specifies where Java DB is located on your Mac.
2. In the Terminal window, change directories to the JDK installation folder's db/
bin folder. Then, type ./setEmbeddedCP and press Enter to set the environment
variables required by Java DB.
3. In the Terminal window, use the cd command to change to the books_examples
directory. This directory contains a SQL script books.sql that builds the books
4. Execute the following command (with the quotation marks):
to start the command-line tool for interacting with Java DB. This will display the
ij> prompt.
5. Perform Steps 7-9 of Section 24.5.1 to create the books database.
6. Use the cd command to change to the addressbook_example directory. This direc-
tory contains a SQL script addressbook.sql that builds the addressbook database.
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