Java Reference
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Software Engineering Observation 24.2
In general, you process results by knowing in advance the order of the columns in the
result—for example, selecting AuthorID and LastName from table Authors ensures that
the columns will appear in the result with AuthorID as the first column and LastName as
the second column. Programs typically process result columns by specifying the column
number in the result (starting from number 1 for the first column). Selecting columns by
name avoids returning unneeded columns and protects against changes in the actual order
of the columns in the table(s) by returning the columns in the exact order specified.
Common Programming Error 24.1
If you assume that the columns are always returned in the same order from a query that
uses the asterisk ( * ), the program may process the results incorrectly. If the column order
in the table(s) changes or if additional columns are added at a later time, the order of the
columns in the result will change accordingly.
24.4.2 WHERE Clause
In most cases, it's necessary to locate rows in a database that satisfy certain selection crite-
ria . Only rows that satisfy the selection criteria (formally called predicates ) are selected.
SQL uses the optional WHERE clause in a query to specify the selection criteria for the query.
The basic form of a query with selection criteria is
SELECT columnName1 , columnName2 , FROM tableName WHERE criteria
For example, to select the Title , EditionNumber and Copyright columns from table
Titles for which the Copyright date is greater than 2013 , use the query
SELECT Title, EditionNumber, Copyright
FROM Titles
WHERE Copyright > '2013'
Strings in SQL are delimited by single ( ' ) rather than double ( " ) quotes. Figure 24.12
shows the result of the preceding query.
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Fig. 24.12 | Sampling of titles with copyrights after 2005 from table Titles .
Pattern Matching: Zero or More Characters
The WHERE clause criteria can contain the operators < , > , <= , >= , = , <> and LIKE . Operator
LIKE is used for pattern matching with wildcard characters percent ( % ) and underscore
( _ ). Pattern matching allows SQL to search for strings that match a given pattern.
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