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row of the AuthorISBN table is valid by checking that there is a row in the Authors table
with that AuthorID as the primary key.
Foreign keys also allow related data in multiple tables to be selected from those tables—
this is known as joining the data. There is a one-to-many relationship between a primary
key and a corresponding foreign key (for example, one author can write many books and
one book can be written by many authors). This means that a foreign key can appear many
times in its own table but only once (as the primary key) in another table. For example, the
ISBN 0132151006 can appear in several rows of AuthorISBN (because this topic has several
authors) but only once in Titles , where ISBN is the primary key.
Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram
There's a one-to-many relationship between a primary key and a corresponding foreign
key (e.g., one author can write many books). A foreign key can appear many times in its
own table, but only once (as the primary key) in another table. Figure 24.9 is an entity-
relationship ( ER ) diagram for the books database. This diagram shows the database tables
and the relationships among them. The first compartment in each box contains the table's
name and the remaining compartments contain the table's columns. The names in italic
are primary keys. A table's primary key uniquely identifies each row in the table. Every row
must have a primary-key value, and that value must be unique in the table. This is known
as the Rule of Entity Integrity . Again, for the AuthorISBN table, the primary key is the
combination of both columns—this is known as a composite primary key.
Fig. 24.9 | Table relationships in the books database.
The lines connecting the tables in Fig. 24.9 represent the relationships among the
tables. Consider the line between the Authors and AuthorISBN tables. On the Authors end
of the line, there's a 1 , and on the AuthorISBN end, an infinity symbol ( ) . This indicates
a one-to-many relationship —for each author in the Authors table, there can be an arbitrary
number of ISBNs for books written by that author in the AuthorISBN table (that is, an
author can write any number of books). Note that the relationship line links the AuthorID
column in the Authors table (where AuthorID is the primary key) to the AuthorID column
in the AuthorISBN table (where AuthorID is a foreign key)—the line between the tables
links the primary key to the matching foreign key.
The line between the Titles and AuthorISBN tables illustrates a one-to-many relation-
ship —one book can be written by many authors. Note that the line between the tables
links the primary key ISBN in table Titles to the corresponding foreign key in table
AuthorISBN . The relationships in Fig. 24.9 illustrate that the sole purpose of the Author-
ISBN table is to provide a many-to-many relationship between the Authors and Titles
tables—an author can write many books, and a book can have many authors.
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