Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• The simplest way to implement a bounded buffer is to use an ArrayBlockingQueue for the buffer
so that all of the synchronization details are handled for you.
Section 23.9 (Advanced) Producer/Consumer Relationship: The Lock and Condition
•The Lock and Condition interfaces (p. 1002) give programmers more precise control over thread
synchronization, but are more complicated to use.
• Any object can contain a reference to an object that implements the Lock interface (of package
java.util.concurrent.locks ). A thread calls a Lock 's lock method (p. 1002) to acquire the
lock. Once a Lock has been obtained by one thread, the Lock will not allow another thread to
obtain it until the first thread releases it (by calling the Lock 's unlock method; p. 1002).
• If several threads are trying to call method lock on the same Lock object at the same time, only
one thread can obtain the lock—the others are placed in the waiting state. When a thread calls
unlock , the object's lock is released and a waiting thread attempting to lock the object proceeds.
• Class ReentrantLock (p. 1002) is a basic implementation of the Lock interface.
•The ReentrantLock constructor takes a boolean that specifies whether the lock has a fairness pol-
icy (p. 1002). If true , the ReentrantLock 's fairness policy is “the longest-waiting thread will ac-
quire the lock when it's available”—this prevents indefinite postponement. If the argument is set
to false , there's no guarantee as to which waiting thread will acquire the lock when it's available.
• If a thread that owns a Lock determines that it cannot continue with its task until some condition
is satisfied, the thread can wait on a condition object (p. 1003). Using Lock objects allows you to
explicitly declare the condition objects on which a thread may need to wait.
Condition (p. 1003) objects are associated with a specific Lock and are created by calling Lock
method newCondition , which returns a Condition object. To wait on a Condition , the thread
can call the Condition 's await method. This immediately releases the associated Lock and places
the thread in the waiting state for that Condition . Other threads can then try to obtain the Lock .
•When a runnable thread completes a task and determines that a waiting thread can now continue,
the runnable thread can call Condition method signal to allow a thread in that Condition 's wait-
ing state to return to the runnable state. At this point, the thread that transitioned from the wait-
ing state to the runnable state can attempt to reacquire the Lock .
• If multiple threads are in a Condition 's waiting state when signal is called, the default imple-
mentation of Condition signals the longest-waiting thread to transition to the runnable state.
• If a thread calls Condition method signalAll , then all the threads waiting for that condition
transition to the runnable state and become eligible to reacquire the Lock .
• When a thread is finished with a shared object, it must call method unlock to release the Lock .
Lock s allow you to interrupt waiting threads or to specify a timeout for waiting to acquire a
lock—not possible with synchronized . Also, a Lock object is not constrained to be acquired and
released in the same block of code, which is the case with the synchronized keyword.
Condition objects allow you to specify multiple conditions on which threads may wait. Thus, it's
possible to indicate to waiting threads that a specific condition object is now true by calling that
Condition object's signal or signallAll methods (p. 1003). With synchronized , there's no way
to explicitly state the condition on which threads are waiting.
Section 23.11 Multithreading with GUI: SwingWorker
• The event dispatch thread (p. 1011) handles interactions with the application's GUI compo-
nents. All tasks that interact with the GUI are placed in an event queue and executed sequentially
by this thread.
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