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Calculation time for fibonacci(44) = 3.605 seconds
Total calculation time = 9.506 seconds
Asynchronous Long Running Calculations
Calculating fibonacci(45)
Calculating fibonacci(44)
fibonacci(44) = 701408733
Calculation time for fibonacci(44) = 3.650 seconds
fibonacci(45) = 1134903170
Calculation time for fibonacci(45) = 5.911 seconds
Total calculation time = 5.911 seconds
Synchronous calculations took 161% more time than the asynchronous ones
Fig. 23.30 | Fibonacci calculations performed synchronously and asynchronously. (Part 4 of 4.)
Class TimeData
Class TimeData (lines 10-20) stores two Instant s representing the start and end time of
a task, and provides method timeInSeconds to calculate the total time between them. We
use TimeData objects throughout this example to calculate the time required to perform
Fibonacci calculations.
Method startFibonacci for Performing and Timing Fibonacci Calculations
Method startFibonacci (lines 59-70) is called several times in main (lines 29, 30, 39 and
41) to initiate Fibonacci calculations and to calculate the time each calculation requires.
The method receives the Fibonacci number to calculate and performs the following tasks:
Line 62 creates a TimeData object to store the calculation's start and end times.
Line 64 displays the Fibonacci number to be calculated.
Line 65 stores the current time before method fibonacci is called.
Line 66 calls method fibonacci to perform the calculation.
Line 67 stores the current time after the call to fibonacci completes.
Line 68 displays the result and the total time required for the calculation.
Line 69 returns the TimeData object for use in method main .
Performing Fibonacci Calculations Synchronously
Method main (lines 24-56) first demonstrates synchronous Fibonacci calculations. Line
29 calls startFibonacci(45) to initiate the fibonacci(45) calculation and store the
TimeData object containing the calculation's start and end times. When this call com-
pletes, line 30 calls startFibonacci(44) to initiate the fibonacci(44) calculation and
store its TimeData . Next, lines 31-32 pass both TimeData objects to method calculate-
Time (lines 91-104), which returns the total calculation time in seconds. Lines 33-34 dis-
play the total calculation time for the synchronous Fibonacci calculations.
Performing Fibonacci Calculations Asynchronously
Lines 38-41 in main launch the asynchronous Fibonacci calculations in separate threads.
CompletableFuture static method supplyAsync executes an asynchronous task that re-
turns a value. The method receives as its argument an object that implements interface Sup-
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