Java Reference
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111 // main method begins program execution
112 public static void main(String[] args)
113 {
114 FibonacciNumbers application = new FibonacciNumbers();
115 application.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
116 }
117 } // end class FibonacciNumbers
a) Begin calculating Fibonacci of 40 in the
b) Calculating other Fibonacci values while
Fibonacci of 40 continues calculating
c) Fibonacci of 40 calculation finishes
Fig. 23.25 | Using SwingWorker to perform a long calculation with results displayed in a GUI.
(Part 4 of 4.)
Lines 48-77 register the event handler for the goJButton . If the user clicks this
JButton , line 58 gets the value entered in the numberJTextField and attempts to parse it
as an integer. Lines 72-73 create a new BackgroundCalculator object, passing in the user-
entered value and the fibonacciJLabel that's used to display the calculation's results.
Line 74 calls method execute on the BackgroundCalculator , scheduling it for execution
in a separate worker thread. Method execute does not wait for the BackgroundCalcu-
lator to finish executing. It returns immediately, allowing the GUI to continue pro-
cessing other events while the computation is performed.
If the user clicks the nextNumberJButton in the eventThreadJPanel , the event handler
registered in lines 86-102 executes. Lines 92-95 add the previous two Fibonacci numbers
stored in n1 and n2 to determine the next number in the sequence, update n1 and n2 to their
new values and increment count . Then lines 98-99 update the GUI to display the next
number. The code for these calculations is in method actionPerformed , so they're per-
formed on the event dispatch thread . Handling such short computations in the event dis-
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