Java Reference
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Performance Tip 23.5
In most cases, a non-fair lock is preferable, because using a fair lock can decrease program
Condition Objects and Interface Condition
If a thread that owns a Lock determines that it cannot continue with its task until some
condition is satisfied, the thread can wait on a condition object . Using Lock objects allows
you to explicitly declare the condition objects on which a thread may need to wait. For
example, in the producer/consumer relationship, producers can wait on one object and
consumers can wait on another . This is not possible when using the synchronized key-
words and an object's built-in monitor lock. Condition objects are associated with a spe-
cific Lock and are created by calling a Lock 's newCondition method, which returns an
object that implements the Condition interface (of package java.util.concur-
rent.locks ). To wait on a condition object, the thread can call the Condition 's await
method (analogous to Object method wait ). This immediately releases the associated
Lock and places the thread in the waiting state for that Condition . Other threads can then
try to obtain the Lock . When a runnable thread completes a task and determines that the
waiting thread can now continue, the runnable thread can call Condition method signal
(analogous to Object method notify ) to allow a thread in that Condition 's waiting state
to return to the runnable state. At this point, the thread that transitioned from the waiting
state to the runnable state can attempt to reacquire the Lock . Even if it's able to reacquire
the Lock , the thread still might not be able to perform its task at this time—in which case
the thread can call the Condition 's await method to release the Lock and reenter the wait-
ing state. If multiple threads are in a Condition 's waiting state when signal is called, the
default implementation of Condition signals the longest-waiting thread to transition to
the runnable state. If a thread calls Condition method signalAll (analogous to Object
method notifyAll ), then all the threads waiting for that condition transition to the run-
nable state and become eligible to reacquire the Lock . Only one of those threads can obtain
the Lock on the object—the others will wait until the Lock becomes available again. If the
Lock has a fairness policy , the longest-waiting thread acquires the Lock . When a thread is
finished with a shared object, it must call method unlock to release the Lock .
Error-Prevention Tip 23.5
When multiple threads manipulate a shared object using locks, ensure that if one thread
calls method await to enter the waiting state for a condition object, a separate thread
eventually will call Condition method signal to transition the thread waiting on the
condition object back to the runnable state. If multiple threads may be waiting on the
condition object, a separate thread can call Condition method signalAll as a safeguard
to ensure that all the waiting threads have another opportunity to perform their tasks. If
this is not done, starvation might occur.
Common Programming Error 23.2
An IllegalMonitorStateException occurs if a thread issues an await , a signal , or a
signalAll on a Condition object that was created from a ReentrantLock without hav-
ing acquired the lock for that Condition object.
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