Java Reference
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pool-1-thread-1 wrote 1 to element 0.
Next write index: 1
pool-1-thread-2 wrote 11 to element 1.
Next write index: 2
pool-1-thread-2 wrote 12 to element 2.
Next write index: 3
pool-1-thread-2 wrote 13 to element 3.
Next write index: 4
pool-1-thread-1 wrote 2 to element 4.
Next write index: 5
pool-1-thread-1 wrote 3 to element 5.
Next write index: 6
Contents of SimpleArray:
[1, 11, 12, 13, 2, 3]
Fig. 23.8 | Class that manages an integer array to be shared by multiple threads with
synchronization. (Part 2 of 2.)
Line 20 declares method add as synchronized , making all of the operations in this
method behave as a single, atomic operation. Line 22 performs the first suboperation—
storing the value of writeIndex . Line 35 defines the second suboperation, writing an ele-
ment to the element at the index position . Line 39 increments writeIndex . When the
method finishes executing at line 41, the executing thread implicitly releases the Simple-
Array lock, making it possible for another thread to begin executing the add method.
In the synchronized add method, we print messages to the console indicating the
progress of threads as they execute this method, in addition to performing the actual oper-
ations required to insert a value in the array. We do this so that the messages will be printed
in the correct order, allowing us to see whether the method is properly synchronized by
comparing these outputs with those of the previous, unsynchronized example. We con-
tinue to output messages from synchronized blocks in later examples for demonstration
purposes only; typically, however, I/O should not be performed in synchronized blocks,
because it's important to minimize the amount of time that an object is “locked.” [ Note:
Line 27 in this example calls Thread method sleep (for demo purposes only) to empha-
size the unpredictability of thread scheduling. You should never call sleep while
holding a lock in a real application . ]
Performance Tip 23.2
Keep the duration of synchronized statements as short as possible while maintaining the
needed synchronization. This minimizes the wait time for blocked threads. Avoid per-
forming I/O, lengthy calculations and operations that do not require synchronization
while holding a lock.
23.5 Producer/Consumer Relationship without
In a producer/consumer relationship , the producer portion of an application generates
data and stores it in a shared object , and the consumer portion of the application reads data
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