Java Reference
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synchronized ( object )
where object is the object whose monitor lock will be acquired; object is normally this if
it's the object in which the synchronized statement appears. If several synchronized
statements in different threads are trying to execute on an object at the same time, only
one of them may be active on the object—all the other threads attempting to enter a syn-
chronized statement on the same object are placed in the blocked state.
When a synchronized statement finishes executing, the object's monitor lock is
released and one of the blocked threads attempting to enter a synchronized statement can
be allowed to acquire the lock to proceed. Java also allows synchronized methods . Before
executing, a synchronized instance method must acquire the lock on the object that's
used to call the method. Similarly, a static synchronized method must acquire the lock
on the class that's used to call the method.
Software Engineering Observation 23.4
Using a synchronized block to enforce mutual exclusion is an example of the design
pattern known as the Java Monitor Pattern (see section 4.2.1 of Java Concurrency in
Practice by Brian Goetz, et al., Addison-Wesley Professional, 2006).
23.4.3 Unsynchronized Mutable Data Sharing
First, we illustrate the dangers of sharing an object across threads without proper synchro-
nization. In this example (Figs. 23.5-23.7), two Runnable s maintain references to a single
integer array. Each Runnable writes three values to the array, then terminates. This may
seem harmless, but we'll see that it can result in errors if the array is manipulated without
Class SimpleArray
A SimpleArray object (Fig. 23.5) will be shared across multiple threads. SimpleArray will
enable those threads to place int values into array (declared at line 9). Line 10 initializes
variable writeIndex , which will be used to determine the array element that should be
written to next. The constructor (lines 13-16) creates an integer array of the desired size.
// Fig. 23.5:
// Class that manages an integer array to be shared by multiple threads.
import java.util.Arrays;
public class SimpleArray // CAUTION: NOT THREAD SAFE!
private static final SecureRandom generator = new SecureRandom();
private final int [] array; // the shared integer array
private int writeIndex = 0 ; // shared index of next element to write
Fig. 23.5 | Class that manages an integer array to be shared by multiple threads. ( Caution: The
example of Figs. 23.5-23.7 is not thread safe.) (Part 1 of 2.)
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