Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Realize contacts at time t according to the current contact
realization rule (including effects of Social quarantine and
Sickness behavior)
Scan realized contacts for infectious status, and for each,
become infected with its Pathogen object with probabil-
ity = (1-host resistance)
Reproduce if current age {reproduction ages}
Clone the current Host and initialize is properties:
Current age = 0
Health status = uninfected
Initialize lifespan, reproduction ages, potential contact
list, contact realization rules, inflammatory response, host
resistance, and dynamic host resistance rules as for parent
If the user elects noisy reproduction, initialize:
Progeny inflammatory response = CDF 1 Normal [Inverse
CDF 2 Normal (parental inflammatory response value) + a
random deviate from a normal distribution with mean
= 0 and standard deviation = user-specified noise fac-
Progeny sickness behavior sensitivity = CDF Normal [In-
verse CDF Normal (parental sickness behavior sensitivity
value) + a random deviate from a normal distribution
with mean = 0 and standard deviation = user-
specified noise factor]
Add progeny to the Host population
Object: Pathogen
Infectious potential (user-specified probability of achieving infec-
tion given exposure, 0-100%)
Pathogenic status (replicating or latent, based on duration of time
since initial infection)
Growth rate (user-specified multiplicative growth factor per unit
Duration of latent infectiousness (user-specified integer number of
time units in which Pathogen is infectious without causing visible
Duration of visible sickness (user-specified integer number of time
units in which Pathogen is infectious and causes visible sickness)
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