Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Maintain constant contact
If social quarantine rules prevent contact with an infected
source Host , this user-specified option forces the target
Host to seek another source Host for interaction.
Reproductive ages (user-specified number of parturitions at integer
Host ages randomly selected from a uniform distribution with
user-specified minimum and maximum. Call the Reproduce opera-
tion below when current age = one of the reproductive ages)
Inflammatory response
D Factor modifying initialized host resistance parameter such that
realized resistance = CDF 1 Normal [Inverse CDF 2 Normal (initialized resis-
tance) + Inverse CDF 2 Normal (inflammatory factor)], with inflamma-
tory factor being a Host -specific constant that is either initialized
at a user-specified constant or transmitted with noise from the
parent as described below in Reproduce
Costly in that natural lifespan decreases the square root of the
inflammatory response parameter, such that realized natural
lifespan = initialized natural lifespan (1/inflammatory re-
sponse factor squared)
Sickness behavior sensitivity parameter
Factor modifying the initialized sickness behavior sensitivity
parameter such that the realized probability of avoiding social
contact when sick = initialized contact probability rule result
sickness behavior sensitivity parameter
inflammatory factor,
with sickness behavior sensitivity being a Host -specific con-
stant that is transmitted with noise from the parental Host as
described below in Reproduce
Natural lifespan (health status becomes dead when age >= this
value; initialized for each Host as a random integer from a normal
distribution with user-specified mean and standard deviation, and
potentially modified by the inflammatory response parameter
Age 1 Time Unit
If health status of this Host is not dead, then
Increase current age by 1
Update Host resistance based on number of contacts real-
ized at time t - 1
Survey this Host's resident Pathogen objects' Progress
Disease operator to update Host's current health status
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