Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Object: Host
Social position (integer ranging from 1 to initialized Host popula-
tion size)
Current age (increases by 1 with each call of the Age 1 Time Unit
operation below)
Health status (currently uninfected, latently infectious, subjectively
sick and infectious, visibly sick and infectious, recovered, or dead)
Host resistance to infection (probability of remaining uninfected
following contact with an infected source Host ; parameter values
range from 0% to 100% and may be modified by the dynamic host
resistance rule below)
Dynamic host resistance rule
D Host resistance remains constant at its initialized value, or
Drops by a user-specified factor when no contacts are realized
at time t - 1
Potential contact list
Sources of contact (list of Hosts that can transmit disease to
this Host )
Targets of contact (list of Hosts that can be infected by this
Host )
Contact realization rules (combinations of the following):
Constant per unit time (realize user-specified N contacts per
unit time)
Social quarantine (user-specified probability that an unin-
fected Host will avoid contact with a visibly infected source
Host )
Withdraw contact from all "visibly infectious" source
Hosts , or
Withdraw contact according to a constant user-supplied
probability (e.g., avoid contact with a visibly infectious
Host with 80% success)
Sickness behavior (user-specified option for infected Hosts to
withdraw from social contact once they become subjectively
Withdraw all contacts with other Hosts
Withdraw contact according to a constant user-supplied
probability (e.g., avoid contact with probability .80)
Withdraw contact with a probability proportional to this
Host's social distance from the target (contact avoidance
probability is a linear or quadratic function of |source so-
cial position - target social position|)
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