Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Initialize Epidemic
D Create the designated number of Host objects
D Allocate potential linkages to each Host according to a user-
specified rule
Random (each Host is targeted by N randomly selected
source agents, where N is a user-specified integer)
Reciprocal (all contact links are bidirectional)
Small-world ( Hosts are randomly assigned varying num-
bers of links according to a power law as described (5,6),
such that small numbers of Hosts are highly connected
and most hosts are sparsely connected. User specifies the
distribution in terms of the total number of links in the
contact network.)
Block (user-specified groups of N Hosts all share recipro-
cal linkage)
Block +1 (as above, with one member of each block also
reciprocally linked to the next adjacent block)
Band (each Host is linked to a user-specified N socially
adjacent Hosts)
Superimposed combinations of the options above
D Allocate infections to a user-specified number of Hosts
D Allocate all other user-specified Host characteristics (each de-
tailed in Host below)
Natural lifespan
Reproduction age
Contact realization rules
Host resistance to infection
Host resistance dynamics rule
Run Epidemic
D For the number of time units specified by duration of simula-
tion, execute the Age 1 Time Unit operation for each Host (de-
scribed below)
D Update the realized host population and health status trajecto-
ries after each time
Summarize Course
Provide the final trajectory of realized Host population size,
realized Host health status frequencies, and final Host popula-
tion status
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