Biomedical Engineering Reference
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epidemic and summarizes the results, (b) an Epidemic object representing the
realized course of a single epidemic, (c) a Host object that interacts with other
Hosts as part of a disease transmission network, and (d) a Pathogen object that
can be transmitted among Hosts and interacts with the Host to modify its health
status. The basic properties and operations of each object are summarized be-
Object: SimulationSystem
Number of simulations (user input integer)
Run Simulation
For each simulation cycle, create and initialize an Epidemic
object (described below)
Collect results on host health status as Epidemic iterates over
time (described below)
Plot Results for each simulation (from the Epidemic 's Summarize
Course operation below) and compute summary statistics across
the ensemble of simulations
Mean fraction of Host population uninfected, infected, visibly
sick, and dead at each timepoint
Mean fraction of Host population alive at end of simulation
Mean time to Host population extinction
Mean time to Pathogen population extinction
Peak prevalence of infection over time
Median time of peak infection prevalence
Object: Epidemic
Duration of simulation (user input integer time units)
Initial number of Hosts infected (user input integer)
Realized Host population trajectory ( Hosts alive at each time
unit—product of the Run Epidemic operation below)
Realized Host health status trajectory (number and percentage un-
infected, latently infected, visibly infected, and dead at each time
point—product of the Run Epidemic operation below)
Final Host population status (population survives or perishes
within duration of simulation—product of the Run Epidemic opera-
tion below)
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