Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Neural networks or multilayer perceptrons have a devoted following,
both for regression and classification (32). The application of VC theory to them
is quite well-advanced (34,35), but there are many other approaches, including
ones based on statistical mechanics (36). It is notoriously hard to understand
why they make the predictions they do.
Classification and regression trees (CART), introduced in the topic of that
name (37), recursively subdivide the input space, rather like the game of "twenty
questions" ("Is the temperature above 20 centigrade? If so, is the glucose con-
centration above one millimole?," etc.); each question is a branch of the tree. All
the cases at the end of one branch of the tree are treated equivalently. The result-
ing decision trees are easy to understand, and often similar to human decision
heuristics (38).
Kernel machines (22,39) apply nonlinear transformations to the
input, mapping it to a much higher dimensional "feature space," where they
apply linear prediction methods. This trick works because the VC dimension of
linear methods is low, even in high-dimensional spaces. Kernel methods come
in many flavors, of which the most popular, currently, are support vector
machines (40).
Predictive Versus Causal Models
Predictive and descriptive models both are not necessarily causal. PAC-type
results give us reliable prediction, assuming future data will come from the same
distribution as the past. In a causal model, however, we want to know how
changes will propagate through the system. One difficulty is that these relation-
ships are one-way, whereas prediction is two-way (one can predict genetic vari-
ants from metabolic rates, but one cannot change genes by changing
metabolism). The other is that it is hard (if not impossible) to tell if the predic-
tive relationships we have found are confounded by the influence of other vari-
ables and other relationships we have neglected. Despite these difficulties, the
subject of causal inference from data is currently a very active area of research,
and many methods have been proposed, generally under assumptions about the
absence of feedback (41-43). When we have a causal or generative model, we
can use very well-established techniques to infer the values of the hidden or la-
tent variables in the model from the values of their observed effects (41,44).
2.3. Occam's Razor and Complexity in Prediction
Often, regularization methods are thought to be penalizing the complexity of
the model, and so implementing some version of Occam's Razor. Just as Occam
said "entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity," 8 we say "parameters
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