Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 2 . For the simulation run depicted here, the phagocytes produce neither PIC nor sPICR. The
mean cell-cycle time for bacteria is 72 minutes. ( A ) The population size as a function of time for a
single sample path. The total population for phagocytes is shown in blue; total bacterial population is
shown in yellow. ( B-F ) Screen shots of the visualization tool showing the three-dimensional snap-
shots of the agents' motions. Yellow agents represent bacteria. Phagocyte agents are blue when quies-
cent, red when activated, and white when refractory. The simulation volume, outlined as a white
cube, is rotating from the viewer's perspective.
randomly in the tissue until encountering the bacteria. During this time the bac-
teria grow unchecked. It is a substantial advantage to the host to detect the bac-
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