Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 3 . ( a ) The model scheme is an abstraction of the PI cycle shown in Figure 2. ( b ) Initial
dynamics of the membrane phosphoinositides at any point of the cell membrane. The initial
concentrations of active receptors, S, and inositol phosphates, J - , are treated as control parame-
ters. When S is small or J - is large, there is a threshold (defined as the distance between the
lower and intermediate steady states). As S increases or J - decreases, the threshold becomes
progressively smaller. At sufficiently large values of S or sufficiently small values of J - , the
threshold disappears completely.
4. The receptors instantly inherit the chemoattractant profile imposed on the
cells, and the receptor-mediated rate of formation of membrane phosphoinositi-
des per unit length of membrane is given by
r p,f k f r ( t ,R) p 2 p s .
Here, k f denotes the rate constant and r ( t ,R) denotes the concentration of active
receptors. The dependence on p 2 represents the autocatalytic and cooperative
kinetics with respect to membrane phosphoinositides. This is an idealization of
the positive feedback loops shown in Figure 3a. Thus, the membrane phospho-
inositides will play the role of local activator in the model.
5. The inositol phosphate pool ( I ) stimulates transfer of phosphoinositides
from the plasma membrane to the endoplasmic reticulum. Thus, the rate of re-
moval of membrane phosphoinositides per unit length of the membrane is
r p,r k r pi ,
where k r denotes the rate constant. The rationale for this assumption is as fol-
lows. Inositol participates in the regeneration of PI in the endoplasmic reticulum
(Figure 3a). An increase in inositol concentration will, therefore, drive the trans-
port of PA from the plasma membrane to the endoplasmic reticulum and its sub-
sequent conversion to PI. Thus, the inositol phosphates act as a global inhibitor .
To simulate the experiments, it is assumed that before the cell is sub-
jected to a chemoattractant perturbation ( t < 0), it is at a homogeneous steady
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