Biomedical Engineering Reference
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227. Nelles O. 2001. Nonlinear system identification: from classical approaches to neural networks
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228. Tukey JW. 1977. Exploratory data analysis . Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
229. Tufte ER. 1983. The visual display of quantitative information . Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT.
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232. Abarbanel HDI. 1996. Analysis of observed chaotic data . Springer, New York.
233. Casdagli M, Eubank S, eds. 1992. Nonlinear modeling and forecasting . Addison-Wesley,
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236. Taniguchi M, Kakizawa Y. 2000. Asymptotic theory of statistical inference for time series .
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237. Amari S, Nagaoka H. 1993/2000. Methods of information geometry . American Mathematical
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240. Cutler CD, Kaplan DT, eds. 1997. Nonlinear dynamics and time series: building a bridge
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242. Pearson RK. 1999. Discrete-time dynamic models . Oxford UP, New York.
243. Stengel RF. 1994. 1986. Optimal control and estimation . Dover, New York. Originally pub-
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245. Gershenfeld N. 1999. The nature of mathematical modeling . Cambridge UP, Cambridge.
246. Ilachinski A. 2001. Cellular automata: a discrete universe . World Scientific, Singapore.
247. Chopard B, Droz M. 1998. Cellular automata modeling of physical systems . Cambridge UP,
248. Toffoli T, Margolus N. 1987. Cellular automata machines: a new environment for modeling .
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249. Farmer JD, Toffoli T, Wolfram S, eds. 1984. Cellular automata: proceedings of an interdisci-
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250. Gutowitz H, ed. 1991. Cellular automata: theory and experiment . MIT Press, Cambridge. Also
published in Physica D 45 (1-3), 1990.
251. Manneville P, Boccara N, Vichniac GY, Bidaux R, eds. 1990. Cellular automata and modeling
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252. von Neumann J. 1966. Theory of self-reproducing automata , Ed. and completed by AW Burks.
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253. Burks AW, ed. 1970. Essays on cellular automata . U Illinois P, Urbana.
254. Poundstone W. 1984. The recursive universe: cosmic complexity and the limits of scientific
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