Graphics Programs Reference
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p 1
t 1
p 3
π 3 = 2
π 1 = 1
t 3
p 5
π 2 = 1
p 2
t 2
p 4
Figure 4.2: An example of indirect conflict
3. the firing of t 3 removes the token from place p 2 , thus taking concession
away from transition t 2
This sequence of events is not interruptible after the firing of t 1 , due to
the priority structure, and eventually results in the disabling of t 2 through
the firing of a higher priority transition (the example can be extended to
a sequence of higher priority transitions).
We call this situation indirect
effective conflict between t 1 and t 2 .
Definition 4.2.2 For any priority PN model M π , t i ,t j T such that
t i 6 = t j , M : P IN, transition t i is in indirect effective conflict with t j in
marking M (denoted t i IEC(M) t j ) iff
t j has concession in M
t i E(M)
•∃ σ = t (1) ,...,t (k) such that
1. M[t i i M (1) [t (1) i ...M (k) [t (k) i M 0 , and
2. 1 h k,π (h) > π j , and
3. t (k) EC(M (k) )t j .
Notice that this situation cannot occur if priority is removed: if all tran-
sitions are at the same priority level, the sequence “t 1 followed by t 3 ” is
interruptible, and a “normal” effective conflict exists only between t 2 and
t 3 . Indirect effective conflict is the proper generalization of the concept
of nonprioritized conflict: in the above example a priority level 1 observer
would not see the firing of t 3 , hence from his point of view, t 1 and t 2 actu-
ally are in EC relation in marking M. In the modified readers & writers
example of Fig. 4.1, indirect conflict could happen only if either t 4 or t 5
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