Graphics Programs Reference
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p 1
t 1
p 3
t 3
p 5
p 2
t 2
p 4
Figure 2.11: Confusion
the two concurrent transitions t 1 and t 2 . This situation is called confusion,
and it may be particularly annoying if we are modelling a system where
conflicts are not resolved non-deterministically, but with the intervention
of an external oracle (or through some metrics): the firing order of two
nonconflicting transitions as t 1 and t 2 is thus going to decide whether the
oracle is called or not (the metrics are used or not) to resolve the potential
conflict between t 2 and t 3 . As we shall see in the next chapters, the solution
of a conflict due to the firing order can cause very subtle problems in the
stochastic definition of GSPNs.
Causal connection — Another possible relation among transitions is
causality. Two transitions t l and t m are in causal relation in M if t l is
enabled in M, t m has enabling degree k in M (possibly k = 0, that is to say
t m is not enabled in M), and the firing of t l generates a marking where the
enabling degree of t m is strictly greater than k. In formulae:
Definition 2.3.8 (Causal connection) For any PN system S , transitions
t l and t m are in causal relation in marking M, and we write t l CC(M)t m iff
M[t l i M 0 ED(t m ,M 0 ) > ED(t m ,M)
An example of causal connection can be seen in Fig. 2.11. In marking
M = p 1 + 2p 2 + p 3 , t 1 CC(M) t 3 since the enabling degree of t 3 in marking
M is 1, while after the firing of t 1 the enabling degree of t 3 is 2. Observe
that in marking M = p 1 + p 2 + p 3 transition t 1 is not in causal connection
with t 3 since the enabling degree of t 3 is bounded to one by the marking of
the input place p 2 .
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