Graphics Programs Reference
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t 2
t 2
p 3
t 4
t 4
p 6
t 6
p 1
t 1
t 1
p 2
p 5
t 3
t 3
p 4
t 5
t 5
p 7
t 7
Figure 2.1: A Petri net model
obtain a class of models that have a fully specified initial marking. Predicates
allow the specification of restrictions over the set of admissible parameter
values, and/or the relations among the model parameters.
As an example, in Fig. 2.1 the graphical representation of a PN model is
shown. It comprises seven places (P = { p 1 ,p 2 ,p 3 ,p 4 ,p 5 ,p 6 ,p 7 } ) and seven
transitions (T = { t 1 ,t 2 ,t 3 ,t 4 ,t 5 ,t 6 ,t 7 } ). Transition t 1 is connected to p 1
through an input arc, and to p 2 through an output arc. Place p 5 is both
input and output for transition t 4 . Only one inhibitor arc exists in the net,
connecting p 6 to t 5 . Only two places are initially marked: p 1 and p 5 . The
former contains a parametric number of tokens, defined by the parameter
K (restricted by the predicate K 1), while the latter contains one token.
According to the definition of parametric initial marking, this initial situa-
tion can be expressed with the vector [K, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; a more convenient
notation (that will be often used throughout the topic) for expressing this
same situation is however Kp 1 + p 5 (a formal sum denoting the multiset on
P defined by the marking).
The PN model in Fig. 2.1 is a description of the well-known readers &
writers system, where a set of processes may access a common database
either for reading or writing. Any number of readers may access the database
concurrently; instead, a writer requires exclusive access to the resource. This
example will be used throughout the chapter for illustrative purposes, since it
comprises three interesting aspects of parallel systems: concurrency of events
(two processes may be concurrently accessing the database for reading),
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