Graphics Programs Reference
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A state j is said to be transient if f jj < 1, i.e., if there is a positive probability
that the process never returns to state j after leaving it. A state j is said to
be recurrent if f jj = 1, i.e., if the process returns to state j in a finite time
with probability 1. A state i is said to be absorbing if q ij = 0 for all j 6 = i,
hence if q ii = 0. A subset A of the state space S is said to be closed if
q ij = 0
In this case p ij (t) = 0 for all i A, all j A, and all t > 0. The states in
A are thus not reachable from states in A.
A CTMC is said to be irreducible if no proper subset of S is closed, hence
if every state of S is reachable from any other state.
It can be shown that for all finite, irreducible, homogeneous CTMCs the lim-
iting probabilities exist, are independent of the initial distribution { η j (0),j S } ,
and form the steady-state distribution, that can be computed by solving the
system of linear equations
q ji η j = 0 i S
together with the normalization condition
η i = 1
In this case the states of the CTMC are ergodic, so that the chain itself is
said to be ergodic.
The mean recurrence time for a state j, M j , is defined as the average time
elapsing between two successive instants at which the process enters state
j. It can be shown that
M j = 1
η j q jj
Matrix Formulation
Define the transition probability matrix P(t) as:
P(t) = [p ij (t)] , P(0) = I
and define the matrix
Q = [q ij ] (A.39)
that is either called the infinitesimal generator of the transition probability
matrix P(t), or the transition rate matrix.
The matrix equation defining the steady-state distribution of an ergodic
CTMC together with (A.36) is
η Q = 0
where η is the vector
η = { η 1 2 , ···} (A.41)
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