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to form calcium-sillicates, which increase FS [3, 27-29]. According to the
SOP model developed, it is concluded that i ne-grained calcite reacted to
SiO 2 in most of the samples, since the terms SiO 2 xCaO and Al 2 O 3 xCaO
showed strong inl uence on FS . CaOxMgO (dolomite) inl uenced mate-
rials densii cation, which was observed by the inl uence in ANOVA cal-
culation. Firing temperature mostly inl uenced FS in terms conjuncted to
Na 2 O, TiO 2 , and Fe 2 O 3 .
Alkali oxides facilitate the creation of a liquid phase, which promotes
densii cation in reaction with silicon and aluminum [30]. h e highest
impact on WLF parameters showed Na 2 O linear term, mostly to WLFB .
Na 2 O i K 2 O also induced a signii cant inl uence on FS , WLFT , and WLFB
in the terms containing another l ux, Fe 2 O 3 [26]. In the case of WLF
parameters, CaO was more inl uential in relation to Na 2 O, TiO 2 , MgO,
Te m p a n d S i O 2 , but as the linear term. CaO content and some of the other
l uxes gained strong inl uences on WLF , and also SiO 2 from quartz and/
or clay minerals showed powerful impact, thus coni rming calcium sili-
cate formation. Firing temperature inl uenced WLFT , following the order
of importance: quadratic term of Temp, Al 2 O 3 xTemp, and linear term of
Temp. Laboratory tiles showed the highest sensitivity to i ring tempera-
ture, concerning weight loss, since the greatest specii c surface is exposed
to furnace conditions, above all sample shapes. Firing temperature mostly
inl uenced WLFB following the order of importance: linear term of Temp,
CaOxTemp, and SiO 2 xTemp. Weight loss depended on combined ef ects of
i ring temperature and CaO/SiO 2 contents, and it is being slightly increased
with them. Hollow blocks were also sensitive to i ring temperature, but less
than tiles, and its impact is also combined to the calcite and quartz con-
tent. WLFC is inl uenced by i ring temperature in the order: MgOxTemp,
TiO 2 xTemp, and linear term of temperature.
VMC mostly depended on CaOxTemp, Al 2 O 3 xTemp, and SiO 2 xTemp.
h e i red material density mostly depended on carbonate content and i r-
ing temperature applied, but also on clay minerals content and densii ca-
tion abillity.
h e residual variance, marked as error in table 4.3, presents the model
disagreement with the experimental values (contributions of other mem-
bers that are not described in the SOP model). h e statistically signii cant
discrepancy between experimental data and results obtained using math-
ematical models, would show inadequacy of the developed model. All the
developed models showed statistically insignii cant deviation from the
experimental values of the model, which coni rmed their suitability. h e
coei cient of determination, r 2 is also a share of output variability of the
system, which was calculated based on regression analysis. High r 2 values
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