HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Each square has a different value for animation-fill-mode , as indicated by the label next to the play button.
However, they all share the following animation properties:
animation-duration: 2s;
animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-iteration-count: 2;
animation-direction: alternate;
animation-delay: 2s;
To show how animation-fill-mode affects the animation, there's a two-second delay at the start. The
animation runs for two iterations, and animation-direction is set to alternate . When the square reaches the left
side of the screen, it starts moving back in the opposite direction. The animation comes to an end when it reaches
the right side of the screen. This is how each square is animated when you click its play button (see Figure 21-5 ):
none After the two-second delay, the square jumps to the right, slides back to the left,
and then slides to the right. At the end of the animation, it jumps back to its original
forwards The square behaves the same way as none , but it remains on the right when
the animation is over.
backwards The square immediately jumps to the right of the screen, pauses for two
seconds, then moves back and forth across the screen. At the end of the animation, it
jumps back to its original position.
both The square behaves the same way as backwards , but it remains on the right when
the animation is over.
Figure 21-5. Two squares return to their original position, while the others retain the properties set by the final
Clicking the stop button removes the animated class, resetting the square to its original position.
Using the animation Shorthand Property
The animation shorthand property lets you define one or more animations in a single declaration. It accepts
values for all the individual properties except animation-play-state . Like the transition shorthand property,
the first time value is interpreted as the duration, and the second (if present) is interpreted as the delay.
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