HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Page Pseudo-classes
The @page rule supports three pseudo-classes, namely:
A web page is a single, continuous entity, but when printed, it often covers several pages of print. These
pseudo-classes let you specify different margins for printed pages. As their names suggest, :first is for the first
page, and :left and :right are for subsequent pages. Odd-numbered pages use the :right pseudo-class, and
even-numbered ones the :left pseudo-class.
The following @page rules create a two-centimeter margin around all sides of the page, but leave a wider
margin for binding on the appropriate side of the left and right pages (assuming they're printed doubled-sided):
@page {
margin: 2cm;
@page :left {
margin-right: 3cm;
@page :right {
margin-left: 3cm;
Not For right-to-left languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, :left is for odd-numbered pages and :right for
even-numbered ones.
Controlling Where to Break Content
It can be infuriating when printing a web page to discover that a heading is printed at the bottom of a page, and
all the information relating to that heading is on the next page without anything to identify it. To avoid such
situations, CSS provides the five properties listed in Table 16-3 .
Table 16-3. Page Break Properties
Initial Value
Specifies whether a new page should be started before
a particular element.
Specifies whether a new page can be started in the
middle of an element.
Specifies how to handle page breaks after a
particular element.
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