HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
As you have just seen, ordered lists resume the sequence when you back out of a nested list. However, if
you follow a list with a paragraph or any other type of element, the sequence always restarts at 1. To continue a numeric
sequence after a break, use the start attribute in the opening <ol> tag. For example, <ol start= "4"> continues
a list at item 4. The start attribute was deprecated in HTMl 4.01 and XHTMl 1.0 in favor of CSS. unfortunately,
the CSS method of resuming numbering after a break is complex. Thankfully, the W3C saw the error of its ways, and
restored the start attribute to HTMl5. Chapter 15 explains how CSS counters work.
Changing the Position of the Symbol
e list-style-position property accepts just two values, namely:
inside Th is tucks the bullet or number inside the list item, so that it is ush with the
left edge in left-to-right languages like English .
outside Th is is the default position, which puts the bullet or number outside the list
item like a hanging indent.
Th e styles in list-style-position.html include the following class:
.inside {
list-style-position: inside;
Th e class has been applied to the unordered and ordered lists on the right of Figure 10-8 . As a result, the
symbols and numbers are tucked into the rst line of each item. Th
e lists on the left use the default style, which
leaves the bullets and numbers outside the list items.
Figure 10-8. h
e symbol or number can be positioned outside the list item or tucked into the rst line
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