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Feng Shui: seeking prosperity
Feng shui (or fung shui in Cantonese) literally means 'wind and water'. An an-
cient system of divination, its purpose is to achieve harmony with the forces of
nature and produce an environment conducive to health and prosperity. Arran-
ging physical premises according to the principles of feng shui deflects evil forces
and assures the welfare of the inhabitants. Believers moving into a new apart-
ment will call in a feng shui geomancer to determine the optimum position of
walls, doors and even furniture.
Buildings should face quiet water if possible, or have water nearby, such as a fish
tank or a fountain. Lions and dragons are protective. The Hong Kong Bank's
doors are guarded by a pair of bronze lions, and the China Resources Building by
its Nine Dragons Wall. The famous Bank of China Tower, on the other hand, ig-
nored feng shui principles, and is considered an untamed 'dragon's den'.
The dragons of Hong Kong must also receive consideration. New buildings must
not block their accustomed pathways to the water, and in one case a new apart-
ment block was constructed with a huge opening in its middle to allow the
dragon's passage to the sea.
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