Digital Signal Processing Reference
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[249]F. Theis. Blind signal separation into groups of dependent signals using joint
block diagonalization. Proc. ISCAS 2005 , pages 5878-5881, 2005.
[250]F. Theis. Multidimensional independent component analysis using
characteristic functions. In Proc. EUSIPCO 2005 , 2005.
[251]F. Theis. Towards a general independent subspace analysis. Proc. NIPS 2006 ,
[252]F. Theis, C. Bauer, and E. Lang. Comparison of maximum entropy and
minimal mutual information in a nonlinear setting. Signal Processing , 82:971-980,
[253]F. Theis, P. Gruber, I. Keck, and E. Lang. A robust model for spatiotemporal
dependencies. Neurocomputing , 71(10 - 12):2209-2216, 2008.
[254]F. Theis, P. Gruber, I. Keck, A. Meyer-Base, and E. Lang. Spatiotemporal
blind source separation using double-sided approximate joint diagonalization. Proc.
EUSIPCO 2005 , 2005.
[255]F. Theis, P. Gruber, I. Keck, A. Tome, and E. Lang. A spatiotemporal
second-order algorithm for fMRI data analysis. Proc. CIMED 2005 , pages 194-201,
[256]F. Theis, D. Hartl, S. Krauss-Etschmann, and E. Lang. Adaptive signal
analysis of immunological data. In Proc. Int. Conf. Information. Fusion 2003 ,
pages 1063-1069, 2003.
[257]F. Theis, D. Hartl, S. Krauss-Etschmann, and E. Lang. Neural network signal
analysis in immunology. In Proc. ISSPA 2003 , volume 2, pages 235-238, 2003.
[258]F. Theis and Y. Inouye. On the use of joint diagonalization in blind signal
processing. In Proc. ISCAS 2006 , 2006.
[259]F. Theis, A. Jung, C. Puntonet, and E. Lang. Linear geometric ICA:
Fundamentals and algorithms. Neural Computation , 15:419-439, 2003.
[260]F. Theis, Z. Kohl, H. Kuhn, H. Stockmeier, and E. Lang. Automated counting
of labelled cells in rodent brain section images. Proc. BioMED 2004 , pages
209-212, 2004.
[261]F. Theis and E. Lang. Maximum entropy and minimal mutual information in
a nonlinear model. In Proc. ICA 2001 , pages 669-674, 2001.
[262]F. Theis, A. Meyer-Base, and E. Lang. Second-order blind source separation
based on multi-dimensional autocovariances. In Proc. ICA 2004 , volume 3195 of
LNCS , pages 726-733. Springer, 2004.
[263]F. Theis and T. Tanaka. A fast and ecient method for compressing fMRI
data sets. In Proc. ICANN 2005, part 2 , volume 3697 of LNCS , pages 769-777.
Springer, 2005.
[264]S. Theodoridis and K. Koutroumbas. Pattern Recognition . Academic Press,
[265]H. Thompson, C. Starmer, R. Whalen, and D.McIntosh. Indicator transit time
considered as a gamma variate. Circ. Res. , 14(6):502-515, 1964.
[266]A. Tome. Blind source separation using a matrix pencil. In Int. Joint Conf.
on Neural Networks (IJCNN) , Como, Italy, 2000.
[267]A. Tome. An iterative eigendecomposition approach to blind source
separation. In Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Independent Component Analysis and
Signal Separation , pages 424-428, 2001.
[268]A. Tome and N. Ferreira. On-line source separation of temporally correlated
signals. In Proc.EUSIPCO'02 , Toulouse, France, 2002.
[269]L. Tong, Y. Inouye, V. Soon, and Y.-F. Huang. Indeterminacy and
identifiability of blind identification. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems ,
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