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sf::Time and sf::Clock
As always, SFML is our friend, as it has two classes which work very well with time.
Time is a class which holds a duration. This means that it doesn't tell us anything about the
current time of day or the time elapsed since the program started, it just has a variable
which holds a time amount. It could be five microseconds or it can be 10
months—anything that represents a period of time.
We can use the functions sf::seconds() , sf::milliseconds() , and
sf::microseconds() to construct a time object from seconds, milliseconds, and mi-
croseconds, respectively. Once we have that object, we can use arithmetic operations (add,
subtract, and compare) on it. We can later convert the Time object into seconds, milli-
seconds, and microseconds by calling the functions Time::asSeconds() ,
Time::asMilliseconds() , and Time::asMicroseconds() . Here is an ex-
ample of how the Time class works:
The Time class is handy for storing time, but it doesn't provide us with a way of capturing
it. The Clock class provides an interface to measure elapsed time by using the OS clock.
It is simple to use as well.
Apart from Clock::getElapsedTime() , the Clock class has another function in-
side it and that is Clock::restart() , which returns the elapsed time and restarts the
clock at the same time.
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