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function of the model complexity, model sensitivity and model error. Major studies
made in this Topic are conducted on the upper Brue catchment, Somerset, using the
HYREX data set. However, for evapotranspiration estimation, we have used data
from three other catchments, namely the Santa Monica station of the USA, the
Chahnimeh reservoirs region of Iran and the Beas basin in India. The details of the
catchments including location speci
cation and data collection description are
given in each case study. The detailed illustration of statistical parameters of the
data used for the modelling is given in respective case study chapters. Different
novel approaches in data selection methods are introduced and discussed in detail in
Chap. 3 . The novel approach called the Gamma Test has been described along with
other mathematically sound techniques like Entropy Theory, Cluster Analysis,
PCA, BIC and AIC and other traditional approaches. Chapter 4 gives details data
driven models used in this study (ANNs, ANFIS, SVMs, and other hybrid forms).
Chapters 5 , 6 and 7 focuses different case studies on research themes like solar
radiation modelling, rainfall-runoff dynamics and evapotranspiration modelling.
Chapter 8 describes mathematical details of state-of-art Statistical Blockade and a
river basin scale case study to illustrate its capability in extreme value modelling.
1. Abrahart RJ (2012) Two decades of anarchy? Emerging themes and outstanding challenges
for neural network river forecasting. Prog Phys Geogr 36(4):480
2. Abrahart RJ, See LM (2007) Neural network modelling of non-linear hydrological
relationships. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 11:1563 1579. doi: 10.5194/hess-11-1563-2007
3. Agalbj ö rn S, Kon č ar N, Jones AJ (1997) A note on the gamma test. Neural Comput Appl 5
(3):131 133.
4. Alawi SM, Hinai HA (1998) An ANN-based approach for predicting global radiation in
locations with no direct measurement instrumentation. Renew Energy 14(1 - 4):199 - 204.
doi: 10.1016/S0960-1481(98)00068-8
5. Alexandris S, Kerkides P (2003) New empirical formula for hourly estimations of reference
evapotranspiration. Agric Water Manage 60:181
6. Alexandris S, Kerkides P, Liakatas A (2006) Daily reference evapotranspiration estimates by
7. Alkaeed O, Flores C, Jinno K, Tsutsumi A et al (2006) Comparison of several reference
evapotranspiration methods for Itoshima Peninsula Area, vol 66. Memoirs of the Faculty of
Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, p 1
approach Agric. Water Manage 82:371
8. Allen RG, Jensen ME, Wright JL, Burman RD et al (1989) Operational estimates of
reference evapotranspiration Agron. J 81:650
9. Allen RG, Pereira LS, Raes D, Smith M et al (1998), Crop evapotranspiration: guidelines for
computing crop water requirements. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization,
Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56 Rome, Italy
10. Angstrom A (1924) Solar and terrestrial radiation. Quart J Roy Meteorol Soc 50:121 - 125
11. ASCE Task Committee on Application of Arti cial Neural Networks in Hydrology (2000a)
Arti cial neural networks in hydrology I: preliminary concepts. J Hydraul Eng ASCE 5
(2):115 - 123
12. ASCE Task Committee on Application of Arti cial Neural Networks in Hydrology (2000b)
Artificial neural networks in hydrology II: hydrologic applications. J Hydraul Eng ASCE 5
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