Geology Reference
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Fig. 7.17 Annual reference evapotranspiration estimates given by the different methods at the
study regions
Fig. 7.18 Annual reference evapotranspiration estimates and pan evaporation at
the Brue
605.5 mm year 1 . The annual estimated ET 0 values in the year 2002 at Santa
Monica station were 1396.5, 1396.5, 1224.8, 1351.3, and 1262.9 mm year 1 for the
FAO56-PM, ASCE-PM, Copais, ANN, and CIMIS-PM methods, respectively. The
underestimation of the Copais method at Santa Monica station was very small
compared with that in the Brue catchment. Figure 7.17 shows the comparison of the
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