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to their race, level of wealth, and access to social and political resources
(Bullard and Wright 2009). Threats to local environmental quality and
human health are amplifi ed by globalization. At the same time, reversing
the expansion and deepening of spatial inequalities requires connectivity
and coordination that reaches from the local to the global. Through the
course of this topic, we see that domestic governments must not only
establish and enforce laws that protect the environment and human
rights, but also participate in international agreements that hold corpora-
tions and foreign governments accountable to global standards. While
government action is essential, the achievement of spatial justice also
appears to rest on the commitment of networked civil society actors to
monitor the activities of intergovernmental organizations, national gov-
ernments, and corporations and to ensure that the claims and concerns
of local actors are recognized within countries as well as amplifi ed
beyond borders.
Bullard, Robert D. 1990. Dumping in Dixie . Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Bullard, Robert D., and Beverly Wright. 2009. Race, Place, and Environmental
Justice After Hurricane Katrina: Struggles to Reclaim, Rebuild, and Revitalize
New Orleans and the Gulf Coast . Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Holifi eld, Ryan, Michael Porter, and Gordon Walker. 2010. Introduction: Spaces
of environmental justice—Frameworks for critical engagement. In R. Holifi eld,
M. Porter, and G. Walker, eds., Spaces of Environmental Justice, 1-23. West
Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
Keck, Margaret, and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. Activists beyond Borders:
Trans-National Advocacy Networks in International Politics . Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press.
Pellow, David N. 2000. Environmental inequality formation. American Behav-
ioral Scientist 43:581-601.
Pellow, David N. 2007. Resisting Global Toxics: Transnational Movements for
Environmental Justice . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Rechtschaffen, Clifford, and Eileen Gauna. 2002. Environmental Justice: Law,
Policy, and Regulation . Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
Schlosberg, David. 2007. Defi ning Environmental Justice: Theories, Movements
and Nature . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Schrader-Frechette, Kristen. 2002. Environmental Justice: Creating Equality,
Reclaiming Democracy . New York: Oxford University Press.
Sze, Julie, and Jonathan K. London. 2008. Environmental justice at the cross-
roads. Sociology Compass 2(4):1331-1354.
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