Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 7
Northern Mississippi
Strung along I-55 like a set of jewels on a necklace, four large lakes constructed by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers for flood control and recreation provide the finest birding in north-
ern Mississippi. Included with these lakes are swamps, marshes, miles of shoreline habitat,
and three state parks. From north to south, these lakes are Arkabutla Lake, Sardis Lake, Enid
Lake, and Grenada Lake. In winter, the lakes attract thousands of ducks and geese, and rare
accidental species often stop here. During spring migration, these lakes provide great grassy
shorelines for passing shorebirds such as sandpipers. In summer, the swamps near some of the
lakes are filled with warblers and other songbirds. Fall migration finds many shorebird spe-
cies returning, and numerous gulls. Recreational and camping facilities at all of these lakes are
first-rate, as these lakes are major showcases for the Corps of Engineers.
Brochures are available that describe each lake and give good maps of the lakes overall and
of the dam areas in particular.
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