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“No problem, Lou. Really! We've looked at a few things, but we've enjoyed doing it. We
may even look for something smaller now, just for ourselves. Really, don't worry about it.
It'll all work out.”
Without the kick in the rear that we got from Lou and his friends, we never would have
been motivated to look for a house. As soon as we found it, they dropped out of the picture.
When these sorts of things happen to you in real life, it makes you feel like there is a divine
order in human affairs.
Lou, who was and still is a deeply religious man, used to refer to these apparent divine in-
terventions as “God moments”. He had one himself, a couple of years later, when a chance
conversation in the halls of the county courthouse led directly to the dismissal of a case
against him and the disbarring of the District Attorney for coaching and feeding answers to
the star witness.
When these moments occur, justice triumphs, good things happen, and it all feels like part
of God's divine plan. Alas, if only things always turned out this way, theological arguments
about the ultimate goodness of God would be ever so much simpler, and the theodicy fac-
ulty would be out of work.
Anyway, the die had been cast. We had made the fateful decision to go ahead with the deal.
All that remained was the arcane mystery of actually buying our dream home in Italy now
that we had found it.
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