Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
2.3.3 Workl ow Inputs
3D shows also have workl ow-specii c inputs including:
• decision lists
• workl ow masters
• review reports
Decision lists are documents recording technical decisions made by teams
in the workl ow. The primary purpose of a decision list is to make sure
teams can track back and “undo” technical modii cations should creative
or technical needs require alternate solutions. The secondary purpose of a
decision list is to communicate to other workl ows the technical and creative
decisions made within the workl ow.
Two decision lists common to both 2D shows and 3D shows are the edit
decision list ( EDL ) and the color decision list ( CDL ). 3D shows also generate
technical documents rel ecting the creative depth decisions made to shots in
the depth and geometry workl ows. Although there is currently no generally
accepted term for these 3D-specii c documents, the depth decision list (DDL)
and the geometry decision list (GDL) , respectively.
A workl ow master is imagery (and metadata) that rel ects the underlying
decision lists it accompanies. For example, an editorial workl ow master is
the current visual record of the collection of technical and creative decisions
made to imagery in editorial workl ow.
Review reports is the general term for all lists and documents and notes
developed by the team as a result of viewing the imagery.
2.3.4 Workl ow Outputs
Not surprisingly, workl ow outputs also consist of:
• decision lists
• workl ow masters
Like their 2D counterparts, 3D shows both generate edited masters and color
timed masters . 3D shows generate additional workl ow masters, including a
depth master and a geometry master . Workl ow teams may generate several
revised workl ow masters during a show.
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