Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
1.2.5 3D Post Resources
Resources include everything that contribute to your i nal show deliverables:
• people
• expertise/know-how
• money
• time
• morale
• intellectual property
• equipment
• goodwill
Of course 2D shows also require a similar set of resources. The main difference
in 3D post is that the team may not have a similar set of expertise and
experience as they might on a typical 2D show. You and your team members
may have widely varying understandings of the relative value of resources,
differing views on comfort and continuity.
Working with Service Providers
Working with a postproduction house or service provider for all or part of your
show is a perfectly acceptable way to do post. The problem is that not many post
houses have deep expertise in 3D. In the best possible situation, you post house
will breeze through your show to your satisfaction. In the worst, the post facility
can suck resources when you can least afford it, through overages and unnecessary
procedures. Costs can really get out of hand if you leave it to the post house to
“i gure out the 3D.” To get the most cost-effective work for a post house, you need
to be highly organized and be sure what services (workl ows) they are and are not
providing to your show. There should be no mystery about terms and processes
used for your show. If there is confusion, use the terms in this topic and see if the
post facility team share your understanding of the dei nitions. If there is any major
disagreement in roles or responsibilities you must work it out prior to the start of post.
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