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around from one shot to another. These situations can generate a
lot more things that the editor needs to consider when choosing
a shot. That's not that different from a 2D live event shoot. There
are just more things on my list.”
—George Bellias
5.3 Depth: A New Post Workl ow
Like geometry, depth is by dei nition a 3D post workl ow that does not exist
in 2D post. Depth adjustments can be made to imagery at any time in the
post lifecycle.
“Here's how I think about 3D depth. I look at it down from above
from the beginning of the timeline to the end. I do not want to see
jerky, zig-zag movements; I want to see a nice smooth wave back
and forth. To me that's comfort. I take a very hands-on approach.
The numbers are relative. And it's not a matter of percent of
disparity. It can be 4% or 1% or anything else. Sometimes 1% hurts.”
—Don Wilson
5.4 Relationships to Other Workl ows
As with the other 3D post workl ows, depth as a workl ow can happen to
shots any time prior to creating i nal deliverables. For example, it is not
unusual for a single shot or sequence to make multiple trips through the
depth workl ow. As with every other workl ow, the depth workl ow has
important relationships with the other i ve.
5.4.1 Managing
The managing workl ow assigns resources to the depth workl ow. The depth
team adjusts shots, scenes and sequences according to imagery, a depth script,
and creative direction. These adjustments result in a Depth Decision List and
a Depth Workl ow Master. The managing team is responsible for setting up
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