Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
5.2 Types of Depth Work
Some teams may choose to use depth “as is,” from production, especially if
your team has made satisfactory depth choices during image capture. I am
assuming you either want or need to adjust depth for at least a portion of
your show for creative reasons or to resolve an on-set error. In this topic, we
distinguish two kinds of depth work: primary and secondary. Again, these
distinctions may not apply to your show, especially if your creative team is
satisi ed with the depth as it comes out of the imaging system.
5.2.1 Primary Depth
Primary depth work is technical adjustment of imagery to make it viewable and
analyzable by humans. It can include manual or semi-automated actions to
make sure imagery stays within baseline targets as represented by numbers
for horizontal, near and far parallax. Primary depth work is accomplished
in several ways:
• on-set live by a convergence operator and/or stereographer or automated tool
• immediately after shooting as a i rst pass grade by a depth operator/artist
• in post by the depth workl ow team after shooting concludes
Figure 5.5 Types of depth Work.
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