Graphics Reference
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if the issue can be resolved, and how much the issue will cost to resolve.
Say, for example, one of the images in an image pair is rotated in relation
to the other image. The issue is not that the images are rotated relative to
each other. Nothing is ever perfectly aligned. The issue is that the person
in the stereography role has determined that the amount of rotation is
“bad 3D” and thus, is an issue that needs to be corrected.
Regardless of the source of the geometry issues, the objective of the geometry
team is to:
• identify issues
• identify options for resolving issues
• resolve issues as quickly and cost-effectively as possible
Geometry Team key 3D Roles include those also common to other workl ows:
1. Stereography
2. Grading
3. Correction
4. Creative Direction
5. Technical Operations
6. Project Management Stereography
You need to have a person in the stereography role to identify geometry issues
and provide alternatives for resolving them. This is especially important
when the post team is viewing the i rst shots from the show as part of dailies
or a geometry review. This person advises the team as to which tools and
techniques will have the most impact given the resources available. Titles
of team members in this role can include:
• Stereographer
• 3D Supervisor Grading & Correction
Geometry is primarily a corrective workl ow as opposed to a grading creative
workl ow. There is typically no “geometry” grading as there is depth and
color grading. Nevertheless, some teams may i nd themselves modifying the
geometry of some shots for creative effect. Titles of team members in this
role include:
• Stereographer
• Designer
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