Graphics Reference
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issues occur in combination. Depth issues can camoul age color issues and
both can camoul age geometry issues. Avoid the geometry workl ow if you
can, but if you cannot, get in and out of it as quickly as possible.
4.3 Geometry: A New Post Workl ow
Like depth, geometry is by dei nition a 3D post workl ow that does not exist
in 2D post. A key thing to remember is that geometry is not an “add-on” to
an otherwise 2D workl ow. As with depth, geometry changes the nature of
the visual game. The geometry workl ow makes major changes to the show
master that need to be recorded and tracked through the post lifecycle. Your
audience will never say “Hey, that show had great geometry!” Like a lot of
other “unseen” or “invisible” work in imaging such as visual effects or color
grading, good geometry is a part of good 3D.
4.4 Relationships to Other Workl ow Teams
As with the other 3D post workl ows, teams can apply the geometry
workl ow to shots any time prior to creating i nal deliverables. Unlike the
depth workl ow, however, it would be unusual (and resource-draining) for
a shot or sequence to make multiple trips through the geometry workl ow.
As with every other workl ow, the geometry workl ow has important
relationships with the other i ve.
4.4.1 Managing
The managing team creates and provides resources to the geometry
workl ow. The geometry team adjusts shots, scenes and sequences to
prepare it for creative work in editorial, color and depth. These adjustments
result in Geometry Decision Lists and Geometry Workl ow Masters. The
managing team is responsible for setting up systems that integrate geometry
corrections into the show master and allow teams to revert to uncorrected
4.4.2 Editorial
As we have said, teams should conduct a Geometry Review of all footage
entering the editorial workl ow. It is critical that the creative team avoids
“falling in love” with a shot that may be problematic in terms of geometry.
This can be especially challenging in the posting of live events shot multicam
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