Biology Reference
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Landmark coordinate data, for both computational and statistical pur-
poses, are most conveniently represented as a matrix. Suppose
landmarks are collected from a three dimensional biological object. A
typical “observation,” a series of landmark coordinates obtained by the
data collection methods described in Part 1 , can be represented in a
matrix form as described below.
For the sake of simplicity, instead of using proper biological names
of the landmarks, we index them from 1 to K . It is assumed that a
proper record of the correspondence between the biological nomencla-
ture and the index is maintained consistently throughout the study.
The landmark coordinates of a three dimensional, K landmark
object are written as a K
3 matrix as follows:
where the first row corresponds to the X, Y, and Z coordinates of land-
mark 1, the second row corresponds to the X, Y, and Z coordinates of
landmark 2, and so on.
Thus M is a matrix with K rows and 3 columns with each row rep-
resenting the X, Y, and Z coordinate values of the corresponding
landmark. We say that M is a K by 3 matrix. M is called a landmark
coordinate matrix . For a two-dimensional object where only X and Y
coordinates exist for each landmark, the landmark coordinate matrix
is a K by 2 matrix.
Throughout this monograph, we use the letter K to denote the num-
ber of landmarks, and letter D to denote the number of dimensions of
the object, unless specified otherwise. The dimension D is typically
either 2 or 3. In general, a landmark coordinate matrix is a K by D
matrix of real numbers.
The next question we ask is: what happens to the landmark coordi-
nate matrix of a given object if we rotate (spin around a point) or
translate (shift) the object? The rotation and translation of objects can
be described using matrix algebra. This requires a few more definitions.
An identity matrix : An identity matrix is a square matrix with
diagonal elements equal to 1 and all the other elements equal
to 0. An identity matrix is denoted by I .
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