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analyses, the user must be wary of outcomes and pay close attention to
data and distributions. The example analysis given later in this chap-
ter demonstrates this type of situation and its resolution.
Table 4.1 summarizes the differences and similarities between the
two methods for testing the hypothesis of similarity in shapes of forms
sampled from two populations.
Table 4.1. Tabulation of the salient characteristics of the two methods
for hypothesis testing using EDMA.
Description and comparison of
Description and comparison of
forms are coordinate system-free
forms are coordinate system-free
Null hypothesis states that the
Null hypothesis states that the
shapes are similar
shapes are similar
Enables statistical determination
Enables decomposition of
of differences due exclusively to
statistically significant
scale or due to differences in form
differences into differences in
shape and differences in scaling
factor (or “size”)
Mean form matrices are invariant
Mean shape matrices are
to the choice of scaling factor
dependent on the choice of
scaling factor
Assumes equality of the variance-
Does not assume equality of the
covariance matrices for the two
variance-covariance matrices
samples under consideration
Testing procedure cannot determine
Testing procedure cannot
localized differences; confidence
determine localized differences;
intervals for elements of the FDM
confidence intervals for elements
of the SDM have been developed
have been developed for
this purpose.
for this purpose.
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