Database Reference
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Each Author may write one or many eBooks .
Each eBook must be written by one Author .
Rather than repeat the relationship to Author , as well as the common attributes, we can
introduce subtyping:
Each Author may write one or many Titles .
Each Title must be written by one Author .
Each Title may be either a PrintVersion or eBook .
Each PrintVersion is a Title .
Each eBook is a Title .
The subtyping relationship implies that all of the relationships and attributes from the su-
pertype are inherited by each subtype. Therefore, there is an implied relationship from
Author to eBook as well as from Author to PrintVersion . Also, the titleName , s ub-
titleName , and titleRetailPrice belong to PrintVersion and belong to eBook . Note that
each subtype must have the same attributes in their primary key as the supertype; in this
case, titleISBN , which is the identifier for a particular title.
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