Database Reference
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Tax ID can be a candidate key for an organization. Account Code can be a candidate key
for an account.
Sometimes a single attribute identifies an entity instance such as an ISBN for a title. Some-
times it takes more than one attribute to uniquely identify an entity instance. For example,
both a Promotion Type Code and Promotion Start Date may be necessary to identify a
promotion. When more than one attribute makes up a key, we use the term composite key .
Therefore, Promotion Type Code and Promotion Start Date together are a composite
candidate key for a promotion. A candidate key has three main characteristics:
Unique . There cannot be duplicate values in the data in a candidate key, and it can-
not be empty (also known as nullable ). Therefore, the number of distinct values of
a candidate key must be equal to the number of distinct entity instances. When the
entity Title has ISBN as its candidate key, if there are 500 title instances, there will
also be 500 unique ISBNs.
Stable . A candidate key value on an entity instance should never change. If a can-
didate key value changes, it creates data quality issues because there is no way to
determine whether a change is an update to an existing instance or a new instance.
Minimal . A candidate key should contain only those attributes that are needed to
uniquely identify an entity instance. If four data elements are listed as the compos-
ite candidate key for an entity but only three are needed for uniqueness, then only
those three should be in the key.
For example, each Student may attend one or many Classes , and each Class may contain
one or many Students . Here are some sample instances for each of these entities:
Student Number
First Name
Last Name
Birth Date
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