Database Reference
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As with entities, attributes can exist at conceptual, logical, and physical levels. An attribute
at the conceptual level must be a concept both basic and critical to the business. We do not
usually think of attributes as concepts, but depending on the business need, they can be.
When I worked for a telecommunications company, Telephone Number was an attribute
that was so important to the business that it was represented on a number of conceptual
data models.
An attribute on a logical data model represents a business property. Each attribute shown
contributes to the business solution and is independent of any technology including soft-
ware and hardware. For example, Author Last Name is an attribute because it has business
significance regardless of whether records are kept in a paper file, within Oracle, or within
An attribute on a physical data model represents a database column or MongoDB field.
The attribute Author Last Name might be represented as the column AUTH_LAST_NM
within the relational table AUTH or the MongoDB field authorLastName within the
Author collection.
The concept of a physical attribute (also called a column or field) in relational databases
is equivalent to the concept of a field in MongoDB. MongoDB fields contain two parts, a
field name and a field value. This is the order collection we discussed earlier, with the field
names shown in bold and the field values shown in italics:
{ orderNumber : “4839-02” ,
orderShortDescription : “Professor review copies of several titles” ,
orderScheduledDeliveryDate : ISODate(“2014-05-15”) ,
orderActualDeliveryDate : ISODate(“2014-05-17”) ,
orderWeight : 8.5 ,
orderTotalAmount : 19.85 ,
orderTypeCode : “02” ,
orderTypeDescription : “Universities Sales” ,
orderStatusCode : “D” ,
orderStatusDescription : “Delivered” ,
orderLine :
[ { productID : “9781935504375” ,
orderLineQuantity : 1
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