Database Reference
In-Depth Information
You now have both your MongoDB server and client running on your machine! This whole
process probably took ten minutes. Amazingly easy.
A great resource for learning MongoDB is .
Note that the MongoDB shell is a full-featured JavaScript interpreter. You can therefore run
any JavaScript commands such as:
> y = 100
> y / 20
You can also use all of the standard JavaScript libraries and functions.
When your MongoDB statement spans more than one line, press <Enter> to go to the next
line. The MongoDB client knows whether the statement is complete or not, and if the state-
ment is not complete, the client will allow you to continue writing it on the next line. Press-
ing <Enter> three times will cancel the statement and get you back to the > prompt.
To stop the MongoDB server, press Ctrl-C in the window that is running the server. To stop
the MongoDB client, press Ctrl-C in the window that is running the client.
Key Points
NoSQL is a name for the category of databases built on non-relational technology.
There are four main differences between traditional relational databases and NoSQL databases: variety, struc-
ture, scaling, and focus.
With RDBMS, the focus is on data integrity. With NoSQL, the focus is on data performance and availability.
Document databases frequently store the business subject in one structure called a “document.”
Key-value databases allow the application to store its data in only two columns (“key” and “value”), with
more complex information sometimes stored within the “value” columns.
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