Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Can an Industry have more than one Industry Name ?
Does an Industry Name contain more than one piece of business information?
Can an Industry have more than one SIC Code ?
Does an SIC Code contain more than one piece of business information?
Can an Organization have more than one Organization Name ?
Does an Organization Name contain more than one piece of business information?
Can an Organization have more than one Organization First Survey Date ?
Does an Organization First Survey Date contain more than one piece of business information?
Can an Organization have more than one Organization DUNS Number ?
Does an Organization DUNS Number contain more than one piece of business information?
Can a Survey have more than one Survey Code ?
Does a Survey Code contain more than one piece of business information?
Can a Survey Category have more than one Survey Category Name ?
Does a Survey Category Name contain more than one piece of business information?
Can a Survey have more than one Survey Category Code ?
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