Database Reference
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Each column heading represents one of the conceptual entities, and each row represents a
grouping of properties by classword. Recall that a classword is the last part of the data ele-
ment name, which represents a high level domain or category. Within each cell, you can list
the properties for the conceptual entity that have that classword in common. For example,
for the conceptual entity Order you can list the two properties Order Gross Amount and
Order Net Amount next to the Amount cell, Order Entry Date and Order Delivery
Date next to the Date cell, etc. Realize the initial names we use for each property may
change as we learn more about each property.
To identify the properties for each conceptual entity, ask the question, “What [Classword]
do I need to know about [Conceptual Entity] ?” For example, “What Dates do I need to
know about Order ?”
Here are examples for each of the classwords, along with a brief description:
Name. A textual value by which a thing, person, or concept is known. Examples:
Company Name , Customer Last Name , Product Last Name
Text. An unconstrained string of characters or any freeform comment or notes
field. Examples: Email Body Text , Tweet Text , Order Comments Text
Amount. A numeric measurement of monetary value in a particular currency such
as dollars or Euros. Examples: Order Total Amount , Employee Salary Amount ,
Produce Retail Price Amount
Date. A calendar date. Examples: Order Entry Date , Consumer Birth Date ,
Course Start Date
Code. A shortened form representing a descriptive piece of business information.
Examples: Company Code , Employee Gender Code , Currency Code
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