Database Reference
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Similar to relational data modeling, consider your audience (validators and users), and then
choose the most appropriate form. Let's look at two options.
Traditional Conceptual Data Model
Use traditional data modeling syntax if the validator and users are already familiar with
data modeling notation. In our University example, after modeling the grain matrix we
would have this CDM:
Student Attrition is an example of a fact table (on a conceptual and logical data model
often called a “meter”). A meter is an entity containing a related set of measures. These
measures address one or more business processes such as Sales , Claims , or in this case
Student Attrition . The meter is so important to the dimensional model that the name of
the meter is often the name of the application-the Sales meter, the Sales Data Mart.
Department , University , and Calendar are examples of dimensions. A dimension is a
subject whose purpose is to add meaning to the measures. All of the different ways of fil-
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